For the Love of a Fabulous Foyer: Entryways That Welcome and Wow
Whether you’re visiting a friend’s home or weekending at your favorite resort, you’ve probably taken note of how you feel the minute you walk in. That’s the power of the entryway or foyer. This particular space is the gateway to the imagination, tickling your fancy for what lies beyond — and it uniquely houses the transition point between the exterior and the interior.
And while I’d venture to guess that there is nary a one among us who doesn’t love an Entrance with a capital E, sometimes we let the entryways of our own homes slide into oblivion.

At IDH, we view the foyer as a keystone element of a residence in our interior design services — be it a ground-floor entry of a single-family home or the opening point to a condo property rising high in a city skyline.
Foyers not only provide an opportunity to welcome guests into your home, but they can serve up some major wow factor. That’s the interesting thing about foyers: They can make a statement — no matter how luxuriously luscious or laid-back your style is. Here’s how.
Foyers are the first impression (and the last!)
Depending on your type of residence, you may or may not enter your own home through the front door all the time (or at all). But chances are, your guests sure do!
Especially if you love to entertain, the foyer can become the most important space to welcome guests and set just the right tone.
It’s the chance to make a brilliant first impression that plants the seeds of what’s to come in the rest of your home — and to also leave just as good of an impression when the foyer turns into the farewell vestibule.
Foyers are opportunities to be creative

Usually, there are fewer furnishings in the foyer, so even in a really big entryway, elements like shape and texture become even more important — and artwork, too. If budget allows, we encourage our clients to curate a collection of art — and the foyer is the place to show off a piece or three, whether it’s an eye-catching painting on the wall or a stunning sculpture.
Even without a trust-fund budget for art, though, you can still make a big impact with something fabulous. We love implementing beautiful mirrors, enticing wallpapers, fresh floral, and incredible lighting suspended like glittering jewelry to make foyers come alive.
Foyers are not formulaic
Just like every single space we impeccably design in a home, a foyer is highly personalized. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula here. And even the smallest of entry spaces can take on uniqueness that’s entirely their own.
The one main consideration is to ensure that whatever is going on in the foyer is simpatico with its adjacent spaces. Otherwise, what happens is an immediately disjointed mood — and no one needs that kind of negativity in life!
Having foyer FOMO? Don’t miss out on making a meaningful entrance for your home.
Let’s get the party started and make sure your doors are opening into a space that is impeccably suited to you. In the meantime, seek out some inspiration in our portfolio of foyers and entryways.