Facelift for a Fireplace

As the great sages of the ancient world said, “Screw up your fireplace’s design and proportion and you may as well kiss your whole room’s aesthetic goodbye.” Those were some smart sages. Eloquent too. I happen to agree.

Here is a prime example of a fireplace transformation from ugly duckling to swan and a room that greatly benefited because of it.

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Bad proportion is glaring. The off center fireplace dominates the wall and although it was white washed to try to band-aid the problem, it only seems to get worse. The bookcases on either side of the fireplace are a smart move for this particular room’s layout, but they are badly dwarfed by the fireplace. And lastly – the mantel is way too high for TV viewing. Nothing good happening here.

Here’s the seed idea sketch where I suggest shoring up proportion.

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This is the messy rip out phase. Clients never enjoy this phase.

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And voila. It only took budget plus a few months of planning, endless details, aggravation, effort, dust and debris – and we have an amazingly transformed fireplace.

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Aw shucks…it was nothing…

We’d love to help with YOUR transformation! Contact us today.